
Since enrolling in the study,

Did you become pregnant?

Please contact us at as soon as possible to discuss if you are still eligible for this study.

Who should use My Health, My Choice?

Anyone with a chronic health condition who wants help choosing birth control.

This tool goes over information about birth control as it relates to many- but not all- health conditions. If you still have questions, please talk to your health care provider.

How does this work?

Based upon your unique profile, we will suggest medically safe birth control methods that may be the best match for you. You can compare these methods side by side, and check off those you are most interested in. As you read, questions will likely pop up. Jot them down in your digital Notebook. We'll save your questions and your most preferred methods in your Birth Control Summary. Now you are ready to talk to your health care provider.

How was My Health, My Choice developed?

We spoke to people like you, experts, and health care providers to make a practical, user-friendly tool.

We drew upon up-to-date and trustworthy science, including guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Who funded My Health, My Choice?

This project was funded by the National Institutes of Health (Award #5K23HD084744-04), the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Foundation (Award #AWD018258), the Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research (Award #AWD003558), and the Department of Family Medicine, University of Michigan Medical School.

For any questions, concerns, or suggestions please contact the Principal Investigator:

Justine Wu, MD, MPH

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